Tips on How to Beat Heat, UV, Air Quality This Summer

Welcome to the first article in an IBSS series about summer weather and climate hazards and how to prepare for them. IBSS is part of the Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) Ambassador™ initiative, an effort led by ; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) designed to build partnerships with external organizations to improve community resilience against extreme weather, water, and climate events. In line with our commitment to promoting “weather-readiness” within our company and community, we are sharing information on how to prepare for a number of summer weather hazards.

Beat The Heat (Before It Beats You)

Managing heat exposure is one of the most prevalent issues people face. In fact, according to, heat is one of the leading causes of weather-related deaths in the United States, resulting in hundreds of fatalities every year. ;

There are three types of heat-related illnesses: heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Watch out for symptoms like; painful muscle cramps, heavy sweating, dizziness, and confusion. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should tend to them immediately.


Sunny With A Chance of Radiation

The heat isn’t the only thing you need to worry about in summer. Longer days means more sun, and more sun means more exposure to potentially harmful ultraviolet radiation (UV). Before you head out to the beach or park for the day, listen to the weather forecasts or check the weather app on your phone for the UV index. According to, prolonged exposure to high UV levels can increase the risk of sunburns, premature aging of skin, and skin cancer. According to the AIM at Melanoma Foundation, a UV index of 6-7 provides a moderate risk of harm from unprotected sun exposure, and anything over that is significantly worse. Just remember ABC (Always Be Covering) for your skin and eyes.


Up In The Air

In addition to heat and sun exposure, you also need to keep an eye on air quality. Every year, 100,000 premature deaths in the United States are attributed to poor air quality. Air pollution-related illnesses cost about $150 billion per year. Dust, vehicle exhaust, soot, smoke, wildfires, and volcanic ash, among other air pollutants, are the key drivers of low air quality. ;

Long term, repeated exposure, even in small quantities, to these PMs (particulate matters) can cause chronic bronchitis, asthma, decreased lung function, heart attacks, and more. Be sure to check the Air Quality Index (AQI) on your weather app before heading outdoors. You can also check out for a detailed look at what pollutants are in your area right now. Finally, wear a mask — it may be uncomfortable, but it can help too.


Safety Is No Accident

Summer is an amazing season full of fun outdoor activities, but while you’re out there getting a tan, biking around your neighborhood, or barbequing, pay attention to the weather. Drink plenty of water and seek cooler areas to prevent overheating and heat stroke. Stay inside when the AQI reaches beyond 100. Remember your ABCs and cover your skin and eyes with things like sunscreen, sunglasses, hats, and shade to protect from harmful UV rays. These tips are designed to help you have a healthy, happy, and safe summer.

About IBSS

Since 1992, IBSS, a woman-owned small business, has provided transformational consulting services to the Federal defense, civilian, and commercial sectors. Our services include cybersecurity and enterprise information technology, environmental science and engineering (including oceans, coasts, climate, weather, and satellite), and professional management services.

Our approach is to serve our employees by investing in their growth and development. As a result, our employees bring greater capabilities and provide an exceptional level of service to our clients. In addition to creating career development opportunities for our employees, IBSS is passionate about giving back to the community and serving the environment. We strive to leave something better behind for the next generation. IBSS is a Certified B Corporation.

We measure our success by the positive impact we have on our employees, clients, partners, and the communities we serve. Our tagline, Powered by Excellence, is a recognition of the employees that make up IBSS and ensures we deliver results with quality, applying industry best practices and certifications. Read more About Us.


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