Another Marine Debris Cleanup Is Underway

September 23, 2022

IBSS is honored to contribute directly to tackling the problem of marine debris in the Pacific. In partnership with the Papahānaumokuākea Marine Debris Project (PMDP), 15 field technicians have departed to the Northwest Hawaiian Islands to survey and collect marine debris, study debris composition, and document the ecological impact in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. The team will also remove ghost nets, derelict fishing gear, and any other debris that have detrimental effects on living marine resources in the area.

PMDP conducts these marine debris surveys and removals to protect and manage the wildlife and habitat within the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. As PMDP says, “The goal of PMDP’s Marine Debris Removal Project is to reduce the threats of marine debris (primarily entanglement hazards) to the critically endangered Hawaiian monk seal, threatened green sea turtle, threatened humpback whale, protected seabirds, and sensitive coral reef ecosystems.” During their 30-day expedition, they plan to remove 115,000 pounds of marine debris (52 metric tons) and clean/restore 1,000 acres of coral reef habitat.

As the crew completes their first week, they reported that they have “conducted a second day of marine debris survey and removal operations, the first at Hōlanikū (Kure Atoll). Two boat teams conducted in-water tow-board operations, and two boats conducted shoreline clean-up operations. In total, the teams removed 8,030 pounds of derelict fishing net marine debris (2,160 pounds of net from the shallow coral reef environments and 5,870 pounds of net from the shoreline).”

The team has three 20-ft shipping containers on their vessel where they will store the marine debris that they collect. So far, they’ve filled up more than half of the first container!

PMDP is a U.S. 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created to protect the sensitive wildlife and critical habitats of the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (Northwestern Hawaiian Islands) from the threats of marine debris. PMDP has been featured nationally on 60 Minutes, Bloomberg News, and CNN, recognizing their role in helping protect a pristine wilderness area.

We encourage you to follow the PMDP journey! Check out our social media to get expedition updates.


Since 1992, IBSS, a women-owned small business and Certified B Corporation, has provided transformational consulting services to the Federal defense, civilian, and commercial sectors. Our services include cybersecurity and enterprise information technology, environmental science and engineering (including oceans, coasts, climate, and weather), and professional management services.

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