Oceans & Coasts

IBSS partners with government, industry, academia, and communities to protect natural resources and help improve the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants. We combine exceptional resource management and scientific literacy with IT, data analytics, and system development capabilities to help our clients address challenges. We implement actionable strategies for the use of new tools and technologies to solve current and future challenges in a rapidly changing world. Whatever the mission, IBSS is there to be an authentic partner to NOAA in any capacity.

    • IBSS celebrates a 4-year partnership with Papahānaumokuākea Marine Debris Project to help them achieve their goal of removing 1 million pounds of marine debris from the Pacific Ocean.

    • IBSS developed over 500 multi-media outreach products to promote stakeholder awareness and engagement with the NOAA Fisheries’ scientific mission.


    • For 20 active projects, our scientists study key species and habitat factors across the U.S. We have researched ocean acidification on the west coast, aquaculture opportunity areas in the south, shark and ray mortality in the pacific, and fish aging and fecundity in the northeast.

    Ocean, Coasts, & Fisheries Science

    IBSS contributes specialized expertise, in situ research, communications, and innovative approaches to help our clients understand, sustain, and manage our living marine, ocean, and coastal resources. We tackle emerging issues such as climate change, human impacts, and ocean health to promote functioning marine and coastal ecosystems and investment in sustainable resource stewardship.

    • Ecosystem-Based Living Marine Resource (LMR) Management
    • Surveys, Sampling, Sensing, and Other Field Work
    • Aquaculture – Research, Animal Husbandry, Outreach
    • Genomics and Other Laboratory Support
    • Oceanographic Instrument Design and Development
    • Economics, Socioeconomics, and Human Dimensions
    • Data Analytics and Management Solutions


    Environmental Intelligence & Ecological Forecasting

    Living marine resource (LMR) management in the U.S. faces unprecedented and evolving challenges including demands for resource use, climate change, extreme weather, economic pressures, and limited resources to meet data collection, research, computational, and analysis needs. IBSS helps our clients predict ecological impacts and integrate marine science, environmental policy and law, and conservation into actions that protect lives, property, economies, and ecosystem services.

    • Ocean Climate Adaptation Strategies
    • Ecological Forecasting and Advanced Modeling
    • Ecological System Prediction and Environmental Security
    • Climate Vulnerability Assessments
    • Environmental Justice and Equity
    • Integrated Observation Systems

    Regulatory Compliance, Policy, & Strategic Planning

    IBSS provides a full range of environmental policy analysis, regulatory compliance, strategic planning, and facilitation that address divergent viewpoints and interests with practical solutions. We are adept at identifying the tradeoffs among competing interest groups and provide expert support to government, industry, and community decision-makers involved in ecosystem-based management of living marine resources.

    • Strategic Planning
    • Policy and Regulatory Compliance – NEPA, ESA, MMPA, MSA/EFH, NHPA, AQUAA, EOs
    • Seafood Traceability, Safety, Supply Chain Management
    • Specialized Domain Expertise

    Response, Recovery, & Resilience

    Large-scale social-ecological disturbances and disasters are increasingly common phenomena and require rapid, effective emergency response and recovery efforts to save and protect lives and property. Thoughtful stewardship of marine resources, habitats, and ecosystems are critical to building resilient communities and robust economies that can withstand natural and man-made stressors. IBSS delivers critical interdisciplinary expertise, human resources, and monitoring and management that helps our clients improve resilience to disasters and other influences to their social, environmental, and ecological systems.

    • Habitat, Species, and Ecosystem Conservation
    • Climate-driven Impacts Assessment
    • Disaster Preparedness and Response
    • Marine Debris Mitigation
    • Coastal Resilience and Land Use Planning

    Scientific Information Systems
    & Technologies

    IBSS offers exceptional depth and expertise in science-driven IT, data analytics, integrated machine learning (MLOps) and artificial intelligence, geospatial modeling, remote technologies, and software development that enable our clients to increase their data quality and value.

    • Scientific Systems Lifecycle Support – Web, Mobile, GIS
    • Data Analytics, Modeling, and Forecasting
    • Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Solutions
    • Oceanographic Systems and Software Engineering
    • Unmanned and Remotely Operated Technologies
    • Electronic Data Collection, Monitoring, and Reporting
    Orange fish swimming around gorgonian coral

    Communications, Facilitation, Outreach,
    & Education

    IBSS creates media, messaging, and visuals that help our clients disseminate more easily understood and appreciated science to a wide variety of audiences. We coordinate multi-channel communications, design visually compelling graphics, produce award-winning videos, and manage and update web/social media content and campaigns. We develop science outreach and education programs and products that have inspired and increased marine and coastal scientific literacy, promoted stewardship values, and cultivate partnerships. We work with Federal, state, local, and tribal government agencies, non-government organizations (NGOs), K-12 schools, colleges, universities, and other constituents to promote STEM education priorities.

    • Digital Transformation
    • Graphic and Infographic Design and Visualizations
    • Web, Social Media, Video Production
    • Scientific and Technical Writing and Editing
    • Stakeholder Engagement and Facilitation

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    We implement actionable strategies for the use of new tools and technologies to solve current and future challenges in a rapidly changing world.

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