Category: Insights
Supporting Education with a Trip Around the Harbor

Supporting Education with a Trip Around the Harbor

At IBSS, we pride ourselves on giving back to our community. The school system is an integral part of a thriving community, and we recognize the importance of the right support in educating our future leaders. During the 2018-2019 school year, IBSS formed a...

Weed Warriors for Earth Day

Weed Warriors for Earth Day

IBSS staff are always ready to step up to challenges, just like they’re ready to meet the mission challenges for our clients. So for this Earth Day, it was no surprise that they connected with Montgomery County’s Weed Warriors...

Restoring Limu — a Hui Approach

Restoring Limu — a Hui Approach

By Mark Tagal, Senior Aquaculturist As Uncle Wally Ito and countless other Hawaiian Uncles and Auntiess say, “If no get Limu, no get fish.” The Waimanalo Limu Hui has been working on restoration efforts for the Pahonu fishpond on...

Providing Warmth and Kindness During A Cold Winter

Providing Warmth and Kindness During A Cold Winter

As the holiday season became a memory and the cold, damp weather of winter became a reality, IBSS President Bruce Arvand began to deploy his plan to help people who have little to nothing. Before the holidays, he put out a call to IBSS employees asking for donations...

CMMC Certification: Exploring Why CMMC Is Needed

CMMC Certification: Exploring Why CMMC Is Needed

Setting the Stage for CMMC — What Is CUI? This article will address what CUI is, why all DOD service providers will need to meet the new CMMC requirements, and a brief overview of how they can get started toward CMMC. Controlled Unclassified...