IBSS Awarded Task to Evolve NOAA Atlas 15 Framework
Silver Spring, MD April 2023:

IBSS was awarded a task with the Office of Water Prediction (OWP) to evolve the Atlas 15 Framework.

OWP envisions a nation strengthened by equitable and actionable intelligence that informs water-related decisions, which enhances safety, resilience, security, and our economy.

In order to best serve the nation’s needs, Team IBSS will support NOAA in the creation of a new precipitation frequency atlas as a seamless national update, using the most recent precipitation gauge observations and relevant climate projection information. These precipitation frequency estimates will model trends in historical observations to account for the short-term non-stationary changes and use climate projections to account for future climate conditions. These new estimates will provide critical information to design national infrastructure under a changing climate. The revised estimates will be presented in two national volumes of the new “NOAA Atlas 15.”  Volume 1 will provide estimates based on the historical precipitation gauge data observations, while Volume 2 will provide future estimates based on climate model projections. In conjunction, Volume 1 and 2 will provide estimates for various engineering design applications under climate change scenarios. Both volumes will rely on the extreme time series data, annual maxima series (AMS), and/or partial duration time series (PDS). Other time series or methods may be investigated as part of this work.

We are proud of our teaming partners Research Triangle Institute International and Lago Consulting for their support on this project.

Team IBSS will:

  • Create a Quality Controlled National Precipitation Data Repository
  • Apply Manual Quality Control on the National Precipitation Data Repository
  • Evaluate and Process Climate Model Projection Data
  • Produce Atlas 15 Prototype, Preliminary and Final Estimates with Complementary Documentation
  • Produce Atlas 15 Supplementary Products

As a trusted NOAA partner for over 20 years, IBSS looks forward to our continued delivery of innovative science-meets-technology solutions that forward the NOAA mission and make NOAA’s science matter to constituents both at home and abroad.


Since 1992, IBSS, a women-owned small business and Certified B Corporation, has provided transformational consulting services to the Federal defense, civilian, and commercial sectors. Our services include cybersecurity and enterprise information technology, environmental science and engineering (including oceans, coasts, climate, and weather), and professional management services.

Our approach is to serve our employees by investing in their growth and development. As a result, our employees bring greater capabilities and provide an exceptional level of service to our clients. In addition to creating career development opportunities for our employees, IBSS is passionate about giving back to the community and serving the environment. We strive to leave something better behind for the next generation.

We measure our success by the positive impact we have on our employees, clients, partners, and the communities we serve. Our tagline, Powered by Excellence, is a recognition of the employees that make up IBSS and ensures we deliver results with quality, applying industry best practices and certifications. Read more About Us.





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