Let’s Celebrate Our Earth
By Lisa Tagal

April is Earth Month and Monday, April 22, is Earth Day. This annual celebration started on April 4, 1970, with the goal of encouraging Americans to be proactive and environmentally conscious. It wasn’t until 1990 that Earth Month became a global event with 200 million participants from 141 countries. In 1992, the United Nations joined the cause to enhance this important cause’s visibility.

The climate crisis extends beyond ourselves and our communities. Did you know that it threatens the extinction of one-third of all species within our lifetimes? Fortunately, each of us can make an impact to address climate change and mitigate further damage to wildlife and ecosystems.

This Earth Day, why not take these steps to make a difference:

  • Engage in local Earth Day events to celebrate the worldwide collaborative efforts to safeguard wildlife and habitats from pressing threats. Picking up garbage from our shorelines, planting trees, composting, and using reusable bags are just some ways to engage in Earth Day and every day.
  • Embrace plant-based diets. Carbon emissions now surpass poaching as the primary threat to iconic species such as elephants, rhinos, and sea turtles. “Consumer decisions could potentially reduce global emissions by up to 70% by 2050” (United Nations)
    • Plant-based foods have a lower carbon footprint compared to animal products and can substantially decrease carbon emissions. Even reducing meat, pork, and chicken consumption by 50% can reduce carbon emissions by 1,200 pounds annually.
  • Alter your laundry habits. Microplastics are EVERYWHERE! From mountaintops to the depths of the ocean, those tiny particles cause a much larger threat to most animal species, including humans. Surprisingly, laundry is one of the leading sources of microplastic pollution, as synthetic fabrics shed microfibers during washing.
    • Washing your clothes less frequently and using cold water are small ways to change your laundry routines to help reduce microplastic pollution and associated carbon emissions.
  • Inspire others to take action:
    • Share your commitment to lifestyle changes that protect wildlife and ecosystems on social media platforms.
    • Initiate conversations with your family, friends, co-workers, or anyone who will listen about the climate crisis and the steps you are taking to make a change.
    • Organize fundraisers on social media platforms like Facebook to support global conservation initiatives. You could run an Earth Month theme through the month of April or create one for your birthday that sends the donations directly to a conservation group or a specific organization that supports your views about climate change.

Earth Day serves as a unifying celebration accessible to all. Regardless of nationality, culture, religion, or lifestyle, we share a collective responsibility to safeguard our planet. The suggestions above are just a start to the ways you can personally contribute to the battle against climate change. The universal significance of Earth Day provides a common thread, fostering a sense of unity and purpose. Recognizing Earth Day in the workplace, at home, at school, and beyond underscores the vital importance of environmental stewardship. Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, dedicating time to environmental awareness reinforces the value of nature and its preservation to all.



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